Siete Rayas - Yolixpa

By Joaquin Varela

Base: Aguardiente de piloncillo

Region: Apulco and Teziutlán, Puebla

Altitude: 4,505 ft and 6,659 ft

Maestros Destiladores: Joaquin Varela & Alberto Hakim

ABV: 30%

Infused With: 13 locally sourced herbs and citruses

Resting Time: 2-4 months in glass

Tasting Notes:

It could be compared to an amaro, with sweet, herbal, citrusy and slightly bitter notes all at once due to the mix of foraged herbs and citrus peels used. More specifically, you might detect anise, lemon verbena, chamomile and honey. Siete Rayas is an exceptional addition to carajillos in particular.


Pechotierra - Cenizo


Furia - Aguardiente de Piloncillo